Monday, January 6, 2020

The Cheese and the Worms Book Review Essay - 1686 Words

The Cheese and the Worms Book Review The rise of literacy towards the end of the Middle Ages brought with it a torrent of individuals ready to think fro themselves and formulate their own theories and ideas regarding God and the Christian faith. For a long time, the church held a near monopoly on literacy and used this to maintain control over people’s lives and beliefs. While some of these new intellectuals created ideas that would forever change the way people envision themselves and their relation to God and the universe, some simply patched together tidbits of ideas that were not born out of deep philosophical inquiry, but had more of an instinctive type of logical grounding. This was the line of thinking that made up Domenico†¦show more content†¦He describes this as being analogous to cheese forming out of milk. (Ginzburg, 5-6) He argued that a mass formed out of the four elements: fire, earth, water and air. From this universal mass came forth God and the angels, much like sprung forth from the cheese, in accordance with the beliefs of the time. Added to his non-standard beliefs was his assertion that When confronted about these ideas, Menocchio, strangely, responds in different ways and uses different, seemingly incompatible excuses. In some parts, he claims that these beliefs came from his mind alone, and that, while he is a blasphemer, blasphemy is good and useful. It is what he is meant for in a sense, like how a carpenter is meant to work with wood. He also, in some instances, claimed that he was being plagued by a devil and begged for forgiveness. These words were not his own, but he desired help from the church to overcome the devil’s grasp on him and mercy for what he had said. When it became clear that he would not be able to escape this round of inquisitions, he let loose all of his blasphemous beliefs. Eventually, these statements led to his being burned at the stake for the crime of heresy against the church. In the book, Ginzburg does more than just state the events as they transpired; he analyzes the possible ways in which Mennochio may have come to the conclusion of his new religious belief. Ginzburg investigates the possible origins forShow MoreRelatedEssay about An Argument in Defense of Historian Carlo Ginzburg1303 Words   |  6 Pagescase with the peasant class of medieval Europe. Italian historian Carlo Ginzburg, in an attempt to better understand the cultural attitudes of medieval peasants, takes on an innovative and controversial task in The Cheese and the Worms. The Cosmos of a Sixteenth Century Miller. The book is centered on a curious sixteenth century miller named Menocchio and his interactions with the Inquisitorial board while on trial for heresy. 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